The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the spring migration of 2008 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 20th February 2008. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April 6 [Day 45] The forecasted 70 km/h winds did not materialise and winds on the ridges were moderate WNW for most of the day. The temperature ranged from -1C to 6C and much of the day saw 100% overcast skies with altostratus and cumulus cloud. Raptor movement was slow but steady between 0858 and 1421 but subsequently only 2 more birds moved north with the last, a Red-tailed Hawk, at 1750. For the first time this season immature Golden Eagles (7 subadults and 2 juveniles) outnumbered adult (4) birds suggesting that the adult movement is now substantially complete. If this is the case it appears that we are once again heading for a low Golden Eagle count. A singing Cassin’s Finch at 1015 was the first for the season, and apart from 120 Grey-crowned Rosy-Finches there was little passerine movement. 12 hours (490.7) BAEA 6 (347), NOGO 3 (72), RTHA 2 (70), GOEA 13 (2445) TOTAL 24 (2980)

Mount Lorette (Bill) The weather was similar with a temperature range of -2C to 6C, light to moderate W-SW winds and 100% altostratus and cumulus cloud cover for much of the day. The first bird was seen at 0723, maximum passage was early with 8 birds passing between 0800 and 0900, and the last bird went north at 2008, the latest seen at either site this season. The Golden Eagle count (21 adults, 4 subadults and 3 juveniles) was the first real movement at the site since March 1st, and an adult Peregrine Falcon was the third record of the species this season. 14hours (416.7) BAEA 2 (76), GOEA 29 (1167), PEFA 1 (3) TOTAL 32 (1265)

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