The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the spring migration of 2008 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 20th February 2008. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Friday, April 25, 2008

April 25 [Day 60] The ridges were clear until 0800 when snow began and everything was obscured until 1600 when it cleared for 20 minutes allowing the temperature to rise quickly to 6C and permitting the passage of the day’s only migrant, a Sharp-shinned Hawk. At 1620 the snow resumed, the temperature fell to -1C and after 1700 the snow became heavy and I abandoned the site with about 6 cm of fresh snow on the ground. 10.25 hours (677.5) SSHA 1 (41) TOTAL 1 (3511)

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