The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the spring migration of 2008 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 20th February 2008. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Monday, April 14, 2008

April 14 [Day 53] A brief shower ending at 0740 was the first rain of the season and gave way to a beautiful sunny spring morning that lasted until 0840 when rain started that, with a few sleet interludes, lasted until 1630. The temperature reached 9C from a low of 6C and ridge winds were moderate westerly all day. With the exception of early morning and late afternoon cloud cover was 100% stratus and the higher mountains of the Livingstone Range were periodically obscured in the afternoon. The first bird, a juvenile Bald Eagle, moved north at 0748 quickly followed by a Golden Eagle and a Sharp-shinned Hawk. Before the rain became steady a further Golden Eagle and the 8th Ferruginous Hawk of the season flew north and a third Golden Eagle and a goshawk moved in brief breaks in the rain. After the rain stopped an adult female Northern Harrier and a 4th Golden Eagle completed the day’s count. There was a concerted songbird movement before the rain started including 26 American Robins, 21 European Starlings and 370 Grey-crowned Rosy Finches. 12.17 hours (594.5) BAEA 1 (398), NOHA 1 (8), SSHA 1 (9), NOGO 1 (88), FEHA 1 (8), GOEA 4 (2614) TOTAL 9 (3298)

Mount Lorette (Ron) There was 8 cm of fresh snow at the site, and snow continued to fall until 1230. Winds were light, and the mountains were cloud covered all day. 4.67 hours No migrant raptors.

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