The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the spring migration of 2008 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 20th February 2008. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1 [Day 40] The starting temperature was -10C and it briefly rose to 2C at noon before falling back to 0C for most of the afternoon. Winds were light to moderate WNW in the morning increasing after 1100 and becoming strong westerly after 1300 producing spectacular vertical plumes of snow rising some 500m above the peaks. There was early movement with the first Golden Eagle seen at 0726 and 11 passing before 0800, and it remained steady until 1300 after which no hour produced more than 8 birds although the last Golden Eagle went north at1919. We are now seeing a higher percentage of immature Golden Eagles and of the day’s total of 91, 6 were subadults and 6 juveniles. There was little non-raptor movement but the season’s first Northern Shrike sang briefly at 1018 before flying north, and at 1513 a flock of 6 Trumpeter Swans flew high to the east over the Livingstone Range. 12.5 hours (429.2) BAEA 4 (315), NOGO 3 (64), RTHA 2 (27), GOEA 91 (2315), PRFA 1 (5) TOTAL 101 (2754)

Mount Lorette (Brian) Winds were steady SW-W moderate to strong all day, the temperature rose to 2C from a low of -17C and cloud cover was only 5-20% cumulus making detection of high-flying birds difficult. Migration occurred between 0945 and 1930, but almost half the day’s total of 30 moved between 1100 and 1300. 12.58 hours (355.7) BAEA 3 (73), RTHA 1 (2), GOEA 26 (1124) TOTAL 30 (1214)

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